Baldurs Gate 3 Help the Devilish Ox Quest Guide (Act 3)

Help the Devilish Ox Quest

Note: In order to receive this quest, the Strange Ox must have survived both the Grove and Last Light Inn, and must not have been attacked by the party at Last Light Inn.

There also seems to be a cutoff point to the quest, either failed interactions with the Ox, crossing into the main area of the city after the fortress, or progressing the main storyline too far – a recommendation would be to trigger the quest in the earliest stages of the Act.

The Strange Ox can be found in Rivington inside a stable near the Requisitioned Barn (X:41, Y:-143). An Arcana check indicates that the Ox is indeed the strange Ox from past encounters. Using Speak with Animals allows its quest to be undertaken.

The Ox states it is delighted to see the party and say it is trying to get into the city proper. After this, the following options appear:

  • Not until you tell me exactly what you are.
  • I suppose so. What form will you take?
  • Maybe some kind soul might. But not me.

Smuggle the Ox

The Strange Ox transforms into an apple.

If “I suppose so. What form will you take?” is chosen, the Ox transforms into a Strange Apple, which the party can pick up. The apple remains until the party reaches the Lower City.

After which, it disappears, leaving behind a note.

Attack the Strange Creature

The Strange Ox transforms into an ooze.

If “Not until you tell me exactly what you are,” the Ox tells the party they do not want to go down that road. The following choices appear:

  • I assure you I do. Tell me what you really are, or I’ll strike you down myself.
  • Fine. I’ll help you. Let us leave it at that.
  • Then you go your way, and I’ll go mine.

If “I assure you I do. Tell me what you really are, or I’ll strike you down myself.” is chosen, then the Ox transforms into a level 9 ooze. Once the ooze is defeated, it drops a Hat of Fire Acuity, Shapeshifter’s Boon Ring, Diamond, and Jade.

Quest Rewards

  • Shapeshifter’s Boon Ring if the Ox is safely brought to the Lower City.


If the Ox is smuggled into the city, it acts as an ally in the final battle against the Elder Brain. As such, an entry is added to Gather Your Allies noting its support.

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